Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

My Perfect Enemy

this is a poem from one of my beloved friend, thanks for sharing your story with me. I'm really appreciate=)...

Let hatred binds us eternally
when love for us is not a possibility
Let us be the greatest enemy can be,
My perfect enemy...
When my days turned blue
I used to ever think of you
Rain poured down, I remember...
As my tears drop down today, 'cos now you are
My perfect enemy...

Now, even worse than ever
I'm thinking about you
and times we were together,
My perfect enemy...

Can we remind...those times we left behind?
Can we be just like we used to be,
My perfect enemy?

Yes, I missed those memories
and still I'm missing you
the way we talked,
the way we laughed at things

I hate our terms nowadays...
Just like I hate you,
and myself that hates you,
every possible ways

Holding your hands was when I'm afraid of nothing...
Cannot barely talk to you now is my worse thing
Even if we are close, we will never again
From now on...
separately we will
live on each way

As the moon and the sun,
Their meeting creates elliptical darkness everytime
As we are now,
we destruct each other even with every meet of our eyes,
My perfect enemy...
Neglect each other, defying one another,
for us hatred is now better,
My perfect enemy...

It's the only way we can be together
For I loved you...
Now I'll hate you as best as I can
I'll try the hardest...

Let hatred binds us eternally
when love turned down the possibility
Let us be, the greatest gruesome story that can be,
My perfect enemy...

1 komentar:

lim mengatakan...

punya papah tuh^^
Tapi gapapa pake aja....

Komentar pertama saya di blog ini

Untuk anakku
Ada kalanya seorang lelaki perlu bertumpu pada lututnya
walau biasanya ia berharga diri setinggi elang di angkasa

dan mengeluarkan kebeningan dari matanya
walau biasanya kaca pun tiada terpantulkan di berani tatapnya

memecahkan keheningan jiwa yang terlihat pada kesehariannya
walau kapanpun ia kan diam tanpa sapa

karena terkadang
karena saat - saat sederhana itu
ingatannya akan terpatri kebaikanmu
dan cabang dari jalan hidupnya ditentukan dan digoreskan olehmu
tidak seperti goresan pribadi lain
tapi goresanmu

say what you need to say when it's necessary
but not til his tone allow you to
judge and berrate him if that's appropriately
but not till he said "what should i do?"
for then he'll listen to himself
and you
only you

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